Monday 10 April 2017

adventure #10: the Jesus I met pt 3

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

This is part 3 of the mini-series I started a couple of weeks back, The Jesus I Met. It's all about Jesus who is The Life. And how fitting that we should consider this as we approach the Easter weekend and remember how The Life died, and then was raised again. And because its the lead-up to Easter, I'm going to be doing something I do every year at this time - and I invite you to join me. I wake up about half an hour earlier than usual for a special time of dedicated devotion to Jesus. In that time, I reflect back on my life and on the great need I had for rescue and I thank the Lord for his sacrifice for me. I also take communion every morning. It's always a deeply meaningful and precious time.


Enjoy your morning time of reflection, thanksgiving and communion. Watch this week's video. Here it is for your convenience.


Enjoy your morning time of reflection, thanksgiving and communion. Now continue with today's suggested activity. I promised you a photo of myself at the age when I was going in and out of Heaven frequently and greatly influenced by the love of God - and here it is!

It's hard to believe that a child that young could have been engaging in serious conversations with the Almighty God! Never underestimate a child. I want you to spend some time today remembering when you were a child, around the age that I am in these photos, that is, 7 or 8 years old. Do you remember having any encounters with God? Or any deep thoughts or feelings about Him? Ask Him to tell you about His memories of you as a child. Share with us.


Enjoy your morning time of thanksgiving, devotion and communion. Perhaps you'd like to incorporate this song into that time. I have no words for this incredible song, performed by one of my favourite Christian musicians and song-writers, Steve Camp. It speaks so eloquently of Jesus being the way and the life..I share it with you in the hopes that it will open your spirit to worship in the same that it does mine.


Enjoy your morning time of thanksgiving, devotion and communion. Click on the link below for a exhaustive list of 'life-giving' Scriptures. 


Enjoy your morning time of thanksgiving, devotion and communion. Allow this brilliant spoken word piece to minister to you.


"Friday was death, Sunday was hope, but Saturday was that seemingly ignored middle day between them when God occupied a dirty grave in a little garden outside Jerusalem. Saturday is about waiting, about uncertainty, about not knowing what’ll happen. Saturday is ambiguity. It’s about, as one theologian put it, “muddling through” when the future isn’t clear." Continue reading this gritty piece by A J Swoboda by clicking on the link below. 


Go to church and spread the news - Christo Anasti (Christ is Risen) to which you should reply Allythos Anasti! (He is Risen indeed). Yes truly, He is risen. 

Until next time, 

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