Monday 13 March 2017

adventure #6: transfer of allegiance

Do you know the saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket"? It's a proverb, a little bit of wisdom that has been passed down from one generation to the next, and it means 'don't risk everything on the success of one venture' or 'don't put all your hopes (investment) in one place or thing'. Its based on the idea that if ALL your eggs are in just one basket, and that basket drops, you will lose ALL your eggs; whereas if you carried them in different baskets you would only lose a few.

Based on this sagacity, people diversify their investment portfolios, try to make sure that they are not reliant on just one big client in business and so on. I wonder 'though, do we have this kind of thinking when it comes to God?

This week's adventure is based on a phrase in my book, found in Chapter 3.

"Right there and then, my allegiance was transferred. For I knew that God was true and anyone who said not, was just plain wrong, even if he or she was amongst those I loved the most."

It's a very strange thing to be a devotee of Jesus in an unbelieving world. It's getting harder and harder to this week we're going to explore the extent to which we have transferred our allegiance. 


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience. 


Read Chapters 2 and 3 of my book Brighter Than The Noonday Sun again. Spend time today remembering when this transfer of allegiance took place for you - have you since back pedalled? 


Are you holding something back from God because you're afraid of putting all your eggs in His basket? Have a little chat with the Lord about that today.


Spend time today meditating on this well-known verse:
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." – Matthew 6:33
Ask God what this means for you at this very moment in your life. 


Sing this song until you can sing it with all your heart, mind and soul. Wherever you find yourself doubting what you're singing, stop, and ask God to minister to you in that place. Why have you lost faith? What is going on? Give Him time to restore you.  

Here are the lyrics:

With All I Am
Into your hands
I commit again With all I am, for you, lord
You hold my world
In the palm of your hand
And I am yours forever
Jesus I believe in you
Jesus I belong to you
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
With all I am
I'll walk with you
Wherever you go
Through tears and joy
I'll trust in you
And I will live
In all of your ways
And your promises, forever
Jesus I believe in you
Jesus I belong to you
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
Jesus I believe in you
Jesus I belong to you
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
With all I am
With all I am
All I am
I will worship
I will worship you
I will worship
I will worship you
I will worship
I will worship you
I will worship
I will worship you
I will worship
I will worship you


Is mammom your 'other' master? Do you feel yourself constantly compelled by a desire for more money or constantly under the heel of 'not-enough' or constantly feeling like everything you do is 'for' money? In the light of what I shared on the video, consider these things before the Lord. 


Go to church. After your baptism, thats the first way to show Jesus that you have transferred your allegiance to him. 

I hope you enjoyed this week's adventure. Look out for another video on my YouTube channel this week - a vlog that I put together about my latest ministry trip on the Westrand. 

Until next time, I look forward to your comments. Avante! 


  1. Gill,Loved your video this week...thanks for the insight on not working for money but for God...very important for me to have heard that today! Blessing, Lainy

  2. It's a key to thriving in this life, isn't it? Blessings

  3. Really enjoyed this blog Gill... so many light bulbs went on about the transfer of allegiance. Thank you!
