Monday, 27 November 2017

adventure # 24: where is Heaven?

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

Please forgive the long delay in getting this second-last post and video in the Explore Your Story series to you - I have had innumerable Internet difficulties to contend with at home and actually, although this video was shot some time ago, I am uploading it in Australia!

This week we're going to look at a fascinating subject - where is Heaven and what is the interaction like between Heaven and Earth?


Today simply watch the video. Here's the link for your convenience. 


While Christians, and more importantly, Christian theologians, still accept Heaven as an article of existing in the Bible..most know surprisingly little about it. Calvin, probably the most influential theologian of 'modern' times never wrote a thing about it. Nor have any of the other major theologians since. Excitingly, we have to find our information about Heaven from the Bible, the source, itself. As I've said many times before, don't assume that just because your pastor doesn't speak much about Heaven, that the Bible doesn't. Jesus mentioned Heaven about seventy times in the book of Matthew alone. It appears from the very first verse in Genesis — “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” — to the last reference found at the end of Revelation — “[He] showed me the great city… descending out of Heaven from God” (Revelation 21:10 NKJV). In fact, fifty-four of the sixty-six books in the Bible mention Heaven. Are you surprised at how much the Bible has to say about Heaven? I know I was.


I said in the video that I would supply you with some of the Scriptures that speak about the location of Heaven. Here is an interesting article by Watchman Nee in which he discusses what the Bible says about Heaven's location and then puts forward his own theory that Heaven is not only 'above' but 'north'. There's no proving his theory but its interesting nevertheless. 


In the video I also mention that sometimes people on Earth are enabled to see into Heaven, or at least, the heavenly realms. I have put two examples below for you to read. 


Today, simply enjoy worshipping to these encouraging songs..songs that remind us that the Lord is with us and that it will all be worth it, one day. 


We know that angels, who are permanent residents of Heaven, frequently visit Earth and some are even on assignment here for many years at a time..but occasionally, even human people, who have already moved to Heaven, visit Earth. Jesus, is of course, our best example of this. He appeared to Paul on at least two different occasions - the first, on the Damascus road (Acts 9 and Acts 22) and the second when Jesus spoke to Paul about Corinth (Acts 18:9). You can read about when Moses and Elijah came to Earth to speak to Jesus about his soon return to Heaven in Matthew 17. I'm by no means advocating that we try and 'call' our relatives in Heaven to come and visit with us - but its good to be aware that the relationship between Heaven and Earth is very real and very dynamic. At very least, Hebrews teaches us that the communion of the saints is a significant doctrine. 

and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect (Hebrews 12:23).


Dear friend, we've come to the end of this week's study on the locality of Heaven and the interaction between Heaven and Earth. I know that there are many more questions than answers..but the Bible does supply us with some answers, all of which are faith-building to meditate upon. Enjoy your church service today..and I will see you next time. 


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