Sunday 2 April 2017

adventure #9: the Jesus I met pt 2

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

Its a beautifully cloudy morning as I write. In the past, a blue, sunny sky would have lifted my spirits but here in the Cape, we're praying for rain to fill our dams and end the water crisis, so these days we get happy when we see clouds. Clouds are a sign that rain may follow. What signs do you have at the moment in your life, suggesting to you that something that may follow? Have you received the substance of faith for something that has not yet manifested in the natural? Have you heard a word from God about your future that you haven't yet seen transpire? Even if you are currently in a crisis of health or faith or you're in a dark and lonely and frightening place, I want to remind you of something.

This is not just an annoying platitude or empty words. God really is good and powerful enough to ensure that everything that you go through is worked into your life, like a piece of stray wool in a tapestry, to later form part of a beautiful picture. Take heart and confirm your trust in your God today.

The Jesus I Met

I'm continuing the mini-series I started last week on the Jesus I met. For me its the most significant part of my story and I LOVE to spend time with people describing what Jesus was really like when I met him. He is the most mysterious person in the Universe. There's a sense in which he is so familiar, so like us..and yet, you can never really get a handle on him because just as soon as you do, he presents another side of himself that is mind-blowing and totally 'other'. Do we forget sometimes that although Jesus is a man, he is also God? Enjoy this week's adventure. 


Watch this week's video. Here it is for your convenience.


Re-read Chapter 24 of my book Brighter Than The Noonday Sun. It was during this encounter that I discovered that truth is a Person. The whole chapter is about truth. Seeing the truth of who I was - a sinner. Seeing the truth of who God was - Jesus. Seeing the truth about my situation. Seeing the truth about forgiveness. The truth is not easy to see and confront..but without it, we are lost. Our whole world is shrouded in deception, pray today that God would grace you with a vision of the truth. 


Is there a truth that you are unwilling to confront? Even if you're afraid to admit to any other person, share this with the Lord today. He wants to be part of every area of your life and he can help you with every area of your life.


If you watched the video, you'll remember that I said that one of the reasons why its amazing to spend time with Jesus is because he only speaks truth - and we don't hear that in this world. Truth has a quality that is totally different from anything we hear here on Earth. Today we're going to practice speaking only the truth, well, that is, telling NO lies. Not even tiny little white lies. Good luck! I'd love to hear about your experiences with that. 


Read John 18: 38. Spend some time connecting with God through this simple, yet profound, song. 


I'm not usually a huge fan of John MacArthur (for various reasons I won't go into here) but I believe in giving credit where credit is due..and on this subject, the subject of holding to the truth, he has no equal. I've attached below the link to a talk and article based on one of John MacArthur's books, that I think is an enriching and worthwhile go for it. 


Go to church. You'll see some shards of light and hear some nuggets of truth. And we all need as much truth as we can get - its in short supply.

Until next time..Avante!

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