Monday, 27 November 2017

adventure # 24: where is Heaven?

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

Please forgive the long delay in getting this second-last post and video in the Explore Your Story series to you - I have had innumerable Internet difficulties to contend with at home and actually, although this video was shot some time ago, I am uploading it in Australia!

This week we're going to look at a fascinating subject - where is Heaven and what is the interaction like between Heaven and Earth?


Today simply watch the video. Here's the link for your convenience. 


While Christians, and more importantly, Christian theologians, still accept Heaven as an article of existing in the Bible..most know surprisingly little about it. Calvin, probably the most influential theologian of 'modern' times never wrote a thing about it. Nor have any of the other major theologians since. Excitingly, we have to find our information about Heaven from the Bible, the source, itself. As I've said many times before, don't assume that just because your pastor doesn't speak much about Heaven, that the Bible doesn't. Jesus mentioned Heaven about seventy times in the book of Matthew alone. It appears from the very first verse in Genesis — “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” — to the last reference found at the end of Revelation — “[He] showed me the great city… descending out of Heaven from God” (Revelation 21:10 NKJV). In fact, fifty-four of the sixty-six books in the Bible mention Heaven. Are you surprised at how much the Bible has to say about Heaven? I know I was.


I said in the video that I would supply you with some of the Scriptures that speak about the location of Heaven. Here is an interesting article by Watchman Nee in which he discusses what the Bible says about Heaven's location and then puts forward his own theory that Heaven is not only 'above' but 'north'. There's no proving his theory but its interesting nevertheless. 


In the video I also mention that sometimes people on Earth are enabled to see into Heaven, or at least, the heavenly realms. I have put two examples below for you to read. 


Today, simply enjoy worshipping to these encouraging songs..songs that remind us that the Lord is with us and that it will all be worth it, one day. 


We know that angels, who are permanent residents of Heaven, frequently visit Earth and some are even on assignment here for many years at a time..but occasionally, even human people, who have already moved to Heaven, visit Earth. Jesus, is of course, our best example of this. He appeared to Paul on at least two different occasions - the first, on the Damascus road (Acts 9 and Acts 22) and the second when Jesus spoke to Paul about Corinth (Acts 18:9). You can read about when Moses and Elijah came to Earth to speak to Jesus about his soon return to Heaven in Matthew 17. I'm by no means advocating that we try and 'call' our relatives in Heaven to come and visit with us - but its good to be aware that the relationship between Heaven and Earth is very real and very dynamic. At very least, Hebrews teaches us that the communion of the saints is a significant doctrine. 

and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect (Hebrews 12:23).


Dear friend, we've come to the end of this week's study on the locality of Heaven and the interaction between Heaven and Earth. I know that there are many more questions than answers..but the Bible does supply us with some answers, all of which are faith-building to meditate upon. Enjoy your church service today..and I will see you next time. 


Sunday, 15 October 2017

adventure # 23: what is Heaven like?

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

This week we're going to explore Heaven a little further together.


Today simply watch the video. In it I give a brief overview of 4 main points about what Heaven is like. Here is the link for your convenience. 


In the video I said that its important that we realize that Heaven is a real place. It is in Hebrews 8: 5 that we read about the Earthly temple being a copy of its Heavenly reality - and it is in Hebrews 12: 22 that we ready about the New Jerusalem, that is currently situated in Heaven, coming down to physical Earth. And in Acts 1: 11, we read about Jesus being taken up in his very real, resurrected body, in to Heaven. 


You can read about Paul's experience with the third heaven in 2 Corinthians 12: 3.


Most of what we know about Heaven we read about in the book of Revelation which is set, so to speak, mostly in the Heavenly realms. Read through this book without worrying too much about what's happening and when - but just to gain some idea of what the Bible says Heaven is like. 


Here's a whole playlist of songs about Heaven that you can enjoy today. 


I did promise you some references about videos, testimonies and books you can read about Heaven. So here are a few tasters for you. 

1.  Without doubt the finest, fairly academic, book written about Heaven in our time is Heaven by Randy Alcorn. Get it here:

2.  Another riveting testimony is that of Jim Woodford. Read all about it here:

3.  Love the story of Capt Dale Black. I think you will too - let me know. 

4.  This is another good one...excuse the weirdo and you'll see what I mean :)

5.  This one is not exactly a Heaven testimony, but it just so sincere and special that I have to include it. I experience the heart of God every time I watch it...I hope you will too. 

6.  Another book that I enjoyed because it did not involve anyone dying or having a near-death incident is this one by Christopher Roberts, called Heaven. 


Go to church. 

Until next time, Avante!

Sunday, 8 October 2017

adventure # 22: my memories of Heaven

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

Explore Your Story is drawing to an end. There are only 4 videos left in the series and today's upload is the first of those videos. The final 4 videos are all about Heaven - where Heaven is, what Heaven is like, the proximity of Heaven to Earth...

In my opinion, I've kept the best for last. Yet I'm aware that few Christians share my passion for Heaven these days. Pastors don't preach about Heaven. Perhaps they feel out of their depth with such a subject, perhaps they wonder what the point is, perhaps they feel like they enter the realm of science-fiction when they see what the Bible says about Heaven. Whatever the reasons are, the truth is, you will seldom, if ever, hear a sermon about Heaven. Its almost like Heaven is an accessory that you can add on when you buy the product  - you can buy this tassle and add it on to your handbag if you like, but its the handbag itself that is really important.

And Colossians 1: 4, 5 Paul says the following:

"..we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints - the faith and love that spring from the hope that is stored up for you in Heaven."

Both faith and love spring from, have their origin, in something that is stored in Heaven for you. There's a hope, Paul says, that is not to be found on Earth - rather, it is stored up in Heaven for you. This hope is the consummation of everything that Jesus has done for you. Its the future, the Heavenly future, that Jesus has won for you. And Paul makes the point that your life on Earth is hugely affected by whether or not you know about, and hold on to,  this hope. Even your faith in Christ and your ability to love these very imperfect fellow Christians, is based on this. So, if you find your faith on Earth is wavering, the solution is..fix your thoughts on Heaven. If you find you are struggling to love the saints on Earth, the solution is..fix your thoughts on Heaven.

You can begin to do so right now, and for the next 4 weeks, as you engage with this first video.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

adventure # 21: the Bible speaks about evil

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

I haven't written a blogpost or even posted a video for a few weeks now. I've been experiencing SO many technical difficulties and after doing a bit of sleuth work have discovered that the culprit is none other than Telkom. I don't need to tell you that trying to get something put right with Telkom is not an easy task, so please bear with me. 

Last time I posted a video, I shared with you my experiences with evil - and with evil spirits operating through people, in particular. In this post I want to briefly outline what the Bible says about these kind of issues. Are they real? Is witchcraft real? Are curses real? And if so, how should we protect ourselves from their influence? 

What does the Bible say?

The Old Testament, in common with the ancient world, and with many part of the modern world such as Africa and the Caribbean, recognises there is ‘a transcendent dimension populated with a variety of immanent spiritual beings’. Yet its understanding of this transcendent dimension, and how we should communicate with it, is unique because it locates all spiritual authority in Yahweh, the God of Israel – and treats all supernatural power and knowledge obtained from any source other than YHWH as prohibited. Jesus recognised that evil spiritual powers were real and exorcising demons was a significant part of his ministry (e.g. Luke 8:2). Because we are part of Jesus' body, Christians today are in conflict with hostile spiritual powers, wrestling ‘[not] against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places’ (Ephesians 6:12). Yet all spiritual creatures are created beings and, though powerful, are all subject to Christ’s authority, as witnessed in Jesus’ earthly ministry (Mark 5:1–20) and in Jesus’ continuing ministry through the church, by his Spirit (Acts 16:16–18). As Paul writes in Philippians 2:9–11:
God has highly exalted him [Jesus] and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
To Christ, Satan must bow.

What should our response be?

Witchcraft practices, common in the Ancient Near East, are prohibited to biblical Israel (e.g. Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:10–11). But the Bible’s prohibitions on witchcraft are not arbitrary. God’s good intention is for us to relate both to the ‘unseen real’ and the ‘seen real’ from the security of being in relationship with God, knowing him and trusting him for our lives and for the future. Accordingly, witchcraft is prohibited because it seeks to engage the spiritual world apart from God. As such, it pursues unrelational ways of trying to integrate the material and the spiritual realms. Witchcraft seeks to control and manipulate the spiritual and physical world; even if the purpose of the ritual is said to be benevolent. Control and manipulation spell death to any relationship and so witchcraft is the opposite of spiritual intimacy. As with any co-operation with the powers of darkness, we are robbed of our relational capacities. The subtleties of human character and personality are eroded. We become insensitive to others and lose the ability to read interpersonal signals and see our sin with clarity. Control and manipulation might look like cleverness but ultimately it isolates and dehumanises. Even so, giving up control, and the exercise of covert power, is hard.
The contrast between the biblical worldview and the world of witchcraft is well expressed in Psalm 91, which can be read as a celebration of the protective power of God over against demonic threats:
For he will deliver you … from the deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. (Psalm 91:3–4)
On this reading, the word translated ‘shield’ or ‘buckler’ (soherah, verse 4) refers to the encircling protection of God, inverting the idea of maleficent magic ‘surrounding’ a person. But this supernatural defence is all in the context of God’s ‘faithfulness’ (verse 4), of intimacy with God (‘Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name’; verse 14) and being at home with him (verse 1). We do not need to know the future, or control events, or fear death, because we have intimacy with God, who is the end of all things.
Witchcraft, then, is a relational issue. It expresses our failure to enter into a relationship with God, to make discoveries about the spiritual and the material worlds in partnership with him, and to fully trust him with our lives and futures. Witchcraft robs us of spiritual reality. With a crooked finger, it points away from the speaking God who wants to be known, who always does everything that is necessary for us to enjoy a relationship with him – and who is not far from each one of us.

Are you guilty of witchcraft?

This, too, is an area where some of us might feel we have obeyed God’s commandment not to practise witchcraft, but where we in fact share the same attitudes as a witch. After all, we have seen that witchcraft expresses our desire to carve out a space where we can make things happen apart from God, and that ultimately, the manipulation of spiritual powers for our own ends is a form of human pride, which seeks to replace God with ourselves. Are we not all vulnerable to this?
We may not buy a ‘curse tablet’ on the Internet, to use against a rival. However, we are each guilty, at some level, of trying to manipulate people and events to bring about what we want, without trusting fully in God. We can all live in a way that gives us a sense of power and control, whilst denying God’s control and power over the minutiae of everyday life.
Do you have authority over demons?
Jesus does. So if you are in Christ, then you exercise that authority in his name. Never forget that Satan is a completely defeated foe, who licks the dust off Jesus' boots if Jesus commands him to do so. As one of the redeemed, you should never allow Satan to equalise with you and you should certainly never bow the knee to any of his suggestions. 
I've just finished shooting the very last video of this whole Explore Your Story series. We have only 4 weeks left together and all 4 of those videos and blogposts are about Heaven! I know you're going to be encouraged, so look out for those. 
Until next time,

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

adventure # 18: the purpose of prayer

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

This week's adventure is all about regaining a place of intimacy with the Lord. 


Watch the video. 


After I prepared my video on this topic, I came across this quotation by Graham Cooke: -

"Real warfare in the Kingdom of God is always concerned with a battle for intimacy."

Where are you in your battle for intimacy with God? Can you see that the enemy is throwing everything at you to rob you of this? But..what do you say?!


Spend some time today just worshipping and thanking God for who He is and for the BIG, unchanging graces He has given you - like eternal life, a home in Heaven and forgiveness for your sins. You can use the playlist below to help you. 


Nothing, nothing, nothing in this world has the value that intimacy with God does. Every circumstance in your life has the ability to produce greater intimacy with God for you, if you let it. 


Are you facing a sadness, a difficulty, a mountain? Pray for the goodness of God to come down, because we really do overcome evil with good.


Allow me to introduce you to a dear brother in the Lord, Micah Turnbo. I just love his fresh, unfeigned approach to the things of God. 


Go. to. church. 

Until next week, be blessed. Avante! 

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Winter wanderings


Apparently the mayor of Cape Town and a special task force are trying desperately to persuade people other than Capetonians to visit Cape Town in winter. Its true. I heard it on the news. It's going to be good for the local economy. But, wait a bit, who cares about the local economy? Who on earth chooses to live in Cape Town because of the economy!? I object to this promotional scheme. Winter is the only time of the year that we get Cape Town to ourselves. Besides, everything's cheaper once you visitors have left. Oh sorry..didn't you know that?  

Winter is a strange dichotomy between comfort and fortitude for Capetonians. As the vigorous rains and truculent north-westerly winds of winter approach, Capetonians develop an almost irresistible urge to 'get out in it' - to pull on the galoshes our grandparents used (we're sentimental about things like that) and rain coats and go tramping through the dripping, slippery-floored forests for mushrooms (which we bring home, fry up and pray they don't wipe out the whole family). The more storms lash the Peninsula, the more roads are flooded and trees uprooted, the more gleeful we become and the greater the urge to 'get out in it' becomes. 

Of course, we do also love snuggling in front of fires with mulled wine and bowls of tomato bredie. And staying in bed for days on end, nursing a cold. But that's normal, isn't it? The instinct to hibernate is gentle, it doesn't descend with the feverish demands that the 'get out in it' urge does. Tis a strange thing indeed to be born on the southernmost tip of Africa. 

In the Cape, we refer to winter as The Green Season. This year I decided to take full advantage of the lower rates of The Green Season and book 3 fantastic mini getaways that would help me feel as thought I was celebrating winter in a meaningful and chic way. And here they are:

Sunday, 11 June 2017

adventure # 17: your prayers are honoured

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

Today I'm introducing a short series on prayer, starting with what prayer looks like from Heaven's perspective.


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience.


Read this short explanation about being a child of God


Give some thought today to how differently you would think and feel and behave if you were always aware that you are the beloved child of the kindest and most powerful Person in the Universe. 


Watch this simple, sweet testimony about prayer. Allow it to build your faith in prayer. Now spend a few minutes talking to Jesus. 


Enjoy this 10 minute teaching on believing prayer by Cindy Jacobs.


I take pleasure in introducing you to a fantastic gift to the Body of Christ. 


Go to church and enjoy praying with your brothers and sisters. 

Until next time,

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Hibernation projects


Hibernation projects. They’re the kind of projects you probably wouldn’t tackle in summer because they lend themselves to long, dark winter nights, to a slowed pace of life, to snuggling indoors and to a less energetic but more contemplative season. Here are 4 projects I'm going to tackle this winter - I hope they inspire you to get more about of this season than just a new way to moan about how cold it is. 

1.  Read a classic 

Can there be anything nicer in this world than snuggling up on your couch with a hot drink to hand and a good book to read? No. But there isn’t always time for that little luxury, is there?  But winter gives you time, winter slows time and whispers… One way to feel better about the fact that you're spending hours in a supine position with a book in your hand is to tell yourself that its 'improving', a classic. If you're not sure what to read, here's a cute little quiz you can take that will help you. 

I’m going to read Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier and The Gambler by Dostoyevsky. What are you going to read? 

I already have a video about reading classics up on my Youtube channel so I’ll put it in here in case you never got to watch it. It's in the form of an interview with Fiona Veitch Smith, the editor of my first book, Sharkey's Son  and an author in her own right. 

2  Sort something

I follow the Kon Mari method of decluttering and sorting. Have you heard of her? If not, here's a link so you can find out more about this little Japanese dynamo, Marie Kondo
I'm going to sort out my huge box of muddled up photographs. Do you have anything in mind? 

3.  Binge watch a series 

Why not? I'm not suggesting you take a week off work to do this..just spend every evening or every weekend evening..watching one of those series that really makes your life feel better. I know, I know..some series start out so promising but before long have morphed into an immorality feast. Here's a link to the Top Ten Clean TV Shows

4.  Select a Bible study 

Winter is a great time to do a really meaty Bible study. Here are some links to Bible studies you can do that I would recommend. 
King's Cross Training
This is the ministry that my husband and I pioneered. Check out our courses here

And finally, do watch my Hibernation projects video below. 

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Little winter luxuries


Soup is the most basic of hearty peasant fare yet, for me, its one of winter's luxuries. It doesn't cost a lot of money - its value lies more in its rarity, being seasonal, than in its net worth - but I feel very comforted, very spoiled and I eat it. And thats as good a definition of luxury as any. Speaking of luxury,  have you noticed the rising obsession with it? A few decades back, only film stars and shipping tycoons touted brands like Louis Vuitton and Hermes. Today, every second blogger has a luxury handbag collection worth insuring. Luxury is 'in'.

Psychologists say that this trend is not so much spawned by the desire for better quality as it is by the desire to feel good. In other words, my sense of self-worth motivates purchase decisions more strongly than the credentials of the product itself. If I think I'm worth it, I buy up. Whether that's true or not, the whole 'luxe' concept is certainly very personal; one man's luxury is another man's ho-hum. Like my soup. Scrummy soup on a rainy winter's day makes me feel good, therefore I count it as a luxury.

I'm not against luxury. Sure, sometimes its obsessive and repulsive in its sheer weirdness..but I happen to think that, within reason, its a healthy and affirming thing. I like what one commentator wrote "Luxury is what rewards us individually for who we are". I use luxury to reward myself, to celebrate life and to make the everyday, special. And that's why most of my luxuries are small ones. Like a scented candle. Like a bunch of roses. Like a hot shower. Like an early night. Like a bowl of soup. By the way, the secret to a truly scrummy soup is to make it with homemade stock, so here's a recipe for that (you're welcome).

how to make soup stock

In case you hadn't figured it out yet, winter is one of my favourite seasons (my other favourites are spring, summer and autumn :) and one of the main reasons is that I eagerly anticipate winter's little luxuries every year. Enjoy this video in which I share my top 3 little winter luxuries..and do tell me what yours are, I can always make room for a little more luxury in my winter life.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

adventure # 16: the family of God

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

This week I'm continuing my discussion on the church and what it means to the Lord.


Today, watch the video. Here it is for your convenience.


Read John 1: 1-4 and Hebrews 1: 1-4. Spend some time considering that God is a family. What does this tell you about the nature of God? What does this tell you about the way God wired humanity?


Read John 20: 17. Can you hear the thrill in Jesus' voice as he announces that his Father is your Father too? 


Allow this song performed by Phil Wickham to speak loudly to you


Read Romans 8: 16 and Ephesians 2: 19What do these passages mean to you? 


Spend some quality time this morning with the Lord - ask him to speak to you about his family and how he wants you to relate to them. 


Go to church and this week, look at the people around you with new eyes. 

Until we meet again next time, Avante!

Friday, 19 May 2017

A sense of winter


I have 150 000 different ways to describe the sea. That's because I live next to the sea and every         morning it challenges me to a duel - a duel of words. Honestly, I can't eat my Jungle Oats until I've     satisfied my inner critic that the words I've selected to describe the tint, the timbre and the tang of       the ocean are all suitably surprising and in every way, spot-on. And who, I might ask, gets to hear       these ozone-flecked odes? That's right..nobody. But I do it anyway because I'm addicted to trying       to describe places. A friend and fellow writer once told me that she writes because "I have stories       I want to tell". I then confessed that I write because "I have places I want to describe". 

I'm occasionally asked to coach at writing workshops. I almost always teach about how to evoke,       what is known in literary circles as, 'a sense of place'. Its not that hard if you remember to call upon   your 5 senses - touch, taste, hearing, vision and smell. A novice writer can leap from 'pretty               pathetic' to 'shows promise' after just 10 minutes of tender coaching in the art of                                   somathesthesia..that's 'bodily sensation' to you and I..learning to write for the senses. What did the     door feel like..rough, smooth, cold and foreboding? What did her hair smell like..cherries, cold           chips, wind-swept heather? 


Inspired by a little book called How To Be Chic In The Winter by Fiona Ferris, I decided to use the same technique - evoking the 5 senses - to make life both meaningful and delightful this winter. For myself. And then I had the thought that I shouldn't really keep all that good stuff away from you and..voila..Winterise went public and video #1 in the series was born - a sense of winter. Here's how I am interpreting a sense of winter in my home and life..I'd love to hear your ideas. 


Monday, 15 May 2017

adventure # 15: I didn't know I was disobeying God

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

I experienced 19 years of back-slidden misery, all because I didn't realise that I was disobeying God. In this week's adventure I speak about that time and what caused it. I hope you'll find it helpful.


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience. 


Re-read Chapters 8, 9 and 10 of  my book


Click on this Scripture link Hebrews 10: 25 to read a few different versions. Think deeply about what it is saying. 


Enjoy this prayer song for the Church and use it to recommit yourself to the Bride of Christ. 


“More than the Jewish People have kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jews.” – Ahad Ha’am
This refers to the Jews retaining their cultural identity through the weekly Friday night family meal..but the same can be said of us Christians..its not so much that we 'keep' Church but that Church 'keeps' us. Being immersed and committed to a local church is the main way in which you will retain your identity as a child of God in this world. But this Friday why don't you take a special time out at the end of your week to slow down, gather with family and draw near to God. Make sure all your cooking and housework is done before sunset on Friday evening..then dim the lights, light candles and enjoy a lovely meal with your family. No TV. No cell-phones or computer. After supper, listen to worship music together and spend time committing the worries or anxieties of the week to the Lord. Have an early night. 


Blank out the whole Saturday morning to continue your 'Sabbath' experience with the Lord. Wake up naturally, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and go back to bed with it. Pray, worship, read the Bible, write in your journal. Once you feel refreshed, restored and revived, end your 'Sabbath' experience by enjoying a brunch or late breakfast somewhere nice and taking a leisurely stroll in Nature. 


Go to church and give thanks for it.

Next week I'm continuing on this topic of local Church and all that it means to the Lord. I  hope to see you then and look forward to your Comments. Avante! 

Sunday, 7 May 2017

adventure # 14: what does the Bible say about angels?

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

I know some of you love hearing about all my personal experiences while others of you 'bear with me' until I get to the Bible stuff. So, if you fall into that latter category, thank you for waiting so patiently for this adventure.


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience. 


Get to know the basic Biblical evidence for the existence and nature of angels. Angels are seen from one end of the Bible to the other. In fact, the Bible contains 196 verses about angels (103 in the OT and 93 in the NT), and 34 books of the OT refer to angels, including our earliest books (e.g. Job, Genesis). Angels are servants of humans (Hebrews 1:14). The Hebrew word for angel is mal’ach, and the Greek term is angelos. Both words mean “messenger” (In fact, both are sometimes used for human messengers; cf. 1 Kings 19:2; Lk. 7:24; 9:52). Angels are also spoken of as “holy ones” (Ps. 89:5, 7), and they exist in “hosts” or “armies” (Ps. 89:6, 8; 1 Sam. 1:11; 17:45). They are also called “sons of God” (Job 1:6; 38:7; Genesis 6: 2) 


Discover what the Bible says angels look like. Angels can be mistaken as humans, because they sometimes manifest in a human-like appearance (Gen. 18:2, 16, 22; 19:1, 5, 10, 12, 15, 16; Judg. 13:6; Mark 16:5; Luke 24:4). Hebrews tells us, “Some have entertained angels without knowing it” (Heb. 13:2).
While folk religion depicts humanlike angels as winged creatures, we never see this form of angel depicted in Scripture. In Daniel 9: 21 and Revelation 14: 6 we read of angels flying but not necessarily having wings.  The seraphim (Isaiah. 6:2) and cherubim (Exodus. 25:20) have wings. These are non-humanlike creatures, not necessarily angels. Angels can also appear in a glorious form. Regarding one of the angels at the tomb of Jesus, Matthew records, “His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men” (Mt. 28:3-4). Paul writes that Satan (a fallen angel) can appear to be breathtakingly beautiful (2 Cor. 11:14)


Discover what the Bible says about angels revealing themselves to men. Angels walked and talked with Abraham and they even ate with him (Genesis 18). They employ genuine, physical bodies at times for revelatory purposes (Genesis 19: 1, 5; Exodus 3: 2; 1 Chronicles 16: 20). Interestingly, they usually appear as males although in places like Zechariah 5: 9, we do see evidence of angels appearing as, or being, female as well. Angels are often first thought to be humans and are then later recognised as being angels. Angels also often appear in dreams and visions (Matthew 1: 20; Isaiah 6: 1-8). Sometimes the appearance of an angel can evoke fear in people so they often preface their message by saying "fear not" (Luke 2: 8-14). 


Spend some time today thinking back over your life. Is there a time when you suspect an angel was involved in helping you in any way? If so, thank the angels and the Lord for this assistance. 


One thing we for sure have in common with the angels is - we love to worship God. Enjoy this time of worship with the angels. 


You know what I'm going to say, don't you?

Lots of love and blessings. Until next time

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

adventure # 13: varieties of angels

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

When I began editing my angel video, the one about my personal encounters with angels, I realised that it was far too long for just one video - so I split it into two parts. Last week I uploaded Part 1 and this week is Part 2. This week's video therefore has a rather abrupt introduction, or should I say, no introduction at all! So please excuse me for that.

So here are my suggestions for how we can immerse ourselves in the topic of angels this week.


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience.



Read and meditate upon the following Scripture. 
Exodus 23:20
“See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” -Exodus 23:20
It is here that the Lord promises the Israelites that they would be guided and kept in their way through the wilderness to the Promised Land of Canaan. This was no ordinary angel either. This was the Angel of the Lord, an Old Testament manifestation of Christ Himself. In verse 21, the Lord declares, “My Name Is In Him”. This promise was connected with the rule that they the Israelites must be obedient to the angel God sent before them.


Hebrews 1:14
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”-Hebrews 1:14
Angels are sent by God to protect us and help us inherit His full kingdom. The Bible tells us that angels are His servants, carrying out His will and work for our good. We know from this verse from Hebrews that angels are ministering spirits, sent to serve those who are going to receive salvation. By definition, salivation is deliverance from sin and its consequences brought about by faith in Jesus Christ. Angels ultimately assist in our deliverance from sin, or eternal death. The gift of God is eternal life.


Angels in human form?
Angels often take human form. This happens throughout the Scriptures, one of the most famous stories being that of the three strangers who visited Abraham and Sarah, to predict the birth of their son and to let Abraham know that they were traveling on to Sodom and would possibly have to destroy the city for its wickedness.
In contemporary accounts of angelic assistance, it’s quite common for someone to meet another “person” who helps them in some extraordinary way and then simply disappears. For evidence of this type, read the books or visit the web site of Joan Wester Anderson, who has made a career out of tracking and collecting people’s stories of angelic encounter.
Occasionally, an angel takes the form of an animal. According to standard Christian, Jewish, and Muslim belief, an angel can take any form it wishes, but often this spiritual helper will come to us looking and acting like another human being. The reason for this is obvious; I won’t run from an ordinary-looking person who is trying to help me, but I might run if some spiritual presence approaches me, because it’s difficult to understand what’s happening with a spiritual presence. I may think it’s a ghost, or even something evil. If it’s a balding man wearing a Chicago Bulls sweatshirt and who is pleasant and helpful, I’m much more likely to accept the help.


If you're really interested in the subject of angels you might want to download this book by Joan Wester Anderson, a Catholic believer who has made the study of angels something of a speciality. I haven't actually read the whole book myself yet..I've only glance through it. I think I'll read it this week and we can share notes later. 


Continue reading Where Angels Walk


Go to church. Ask God to make you aware of angelic activity during the service. 

Until next time,

Monday, 24 April 2017

adventure # 12: angels all around

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

I've been promising you that I will share my encounters with angels with you - and I am finally delivering. Today's post and video is part 1 in a 3-part series all about angels. The first two posts and videos focus on my personal experiences with angels and the 3rd post and video is an in-depth Biblical study on angels.

So here are my suggestions for how we can immerse ourselves in the topic of angels this week.


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience.


Read Chapter 17 of my book. It is here that I detail the intervention that my angels created for me.  


Meditate on the following Scripture and give thanks to God for what it is saying. 
Psalm 91:11-12
“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.” -Psalm 91:11-12
God offers His pure and selfless love through the use of His angels. According to the psalmist, God commands many angels to guard us. God commands those faithful spirits who are nearest to Him, who come from Him and are marked by Him to guard us in all our ways. God’s promise through the psalmist to Jesus applies to us as well.


Meditate on this Scripture today and give thanks to God for what it is saying. 
Matthew 18:10
“Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my Heavenly Father.” -Matthew 18:10
This is one of the key passages in the Bible regarding guardian angels. There is no doubt that good angels help protect us. They also reveal information and minister to believers in general. The big question for many people is whether each person is assigned a guardian angel. While Scripture nowhere states that an angel is assigned to every individual, we know that we are in the presence of angels, and they are here for good.


You are surely aware that Jews gather with their family and friends on a Friday evening for Shabbat. Listen to these two versions of a favourite Shabbat song, in which the angels are acknowledged and welcomes. Let me know in the Comments below which version you prefer. 


Just go out into Nature and enjoy God's good provision, knowing that angels are all around to guard you and minister to you according to God's perfect will. 


Go to church - its the one place you are assured of being in the presence of the Lord's good angels! 

In next Monday's video, I continue my explanation of my angelic I do hope you'll keep a lookout for that. Until then..Avante! 

Monday, 17 April 2017

adventure # 11: Jesus knows your birthday

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

Today is my birthday and I'm up before dawn to catch a super-early flight to Johannesburg to go and join my husband who is currently ministering up there.  For once, if the weather reports are anything to go by, its cooler in Johannesburg than Cape Town so I'm decked out in a knit dress and boots. Autumn is here and I couldn't be happier. I'm so happy in fact that I'm busy putting together a short video series called Winterise that's designed to help us prep for winter in a way that's fun, chic and meaningful. I'll let you know when its ready for viewing.

I decided to craft this week's adventure around birthdays because not only is today my birthday but birthdays feature quite a lot in my book, Brighter Than The Noonday Sun. I got my first Bible for my 8th birthday because of a suggestion from the Lord; my first real rebellion against God was incited by the prospect of my 10th birthday and I experienced a mind-blowing translocation, coupled with a Heavenly visit, just before my 21st birthday. I'd never really thought very deeply about all those 'birthday' incidents before..but as I prepared for this week's adventure the Lord opened my mind and spirit to comprehend something of what it means that Heaven knows when my birthday is..and Heaven knows when your birthday is too.

It's actually deeply significant and I think this is going to be a fascinating adventure. Here are my suggestions for how we can explore this topic further during the rest of the week.


Watch the video. Here it is for your convenience. 


Re-read the chapters in my book that relate to birthdays. They are Chapters 7, 8 and Chapter 17. 


When is your birthday? Spend some time today with the Lord contemplating the fact that He knows when your birthday is. Allow Him to speak to you about that. Really allow Him time to minister to you and explain more to you. I would think that journaling would be a helpful method to use to explore this with the Lord. 


Below is a very good exposition of the interaction that occurs between Heaven and Earth. Have a read and let me know what you think. Anything there you don't agree with?


Enjoy this song and allow it to minister to you. 


Spend some time today meditating upon the Scripture below. 

Psalm 139:1-6
Yahweh, you have searched me, and you know me. 2 You know my sitting down and my rising up. You perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. 4 For there is not a word on my tongue, but, behold, Yahweh, you know it altogether. 5 You hem me in behind and before. You laid your hand on me. 6 This knowledge is beyond me. It’s lofty. I can’t attain it. 


Go to church. This is one of the primary places where Heaven and Earth interact. 

Until next time,

Monday, 10 April 2017

adventure #10: the Jesus I met pt 3

Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers

This is part 3 of the mini-series I started a couple of weeks back, The Jesus I Met. It's all about Jesus who is The Life. And how fitting that we should consider this as we approach the Easter weekend and remember how The Life died, and then was raised again. And because its the lead-up to Easter, I'm going to be doing something I do every year at this time - and I invite you to join me. I wake up about half an hour earlier than usual for a special time of dedicated devotion to Jesus. In that time, I reflect back on my life and on the great need I had for rescue and I thank the Lord for his sacrifice for me. I also take communion every morning. It's always a deeply meaningful and precious time.


Enjoy your morning time of reflection, thanksgiving and communion. Watch this week's video. Here it is for your convenience.


Enjoy your morning time of reflection, thanksgiving and communion. Now continue with today's suggested activity. I promised you a photo of myself at the age when I was going in and out of Heaven frequently and greatly influenced by the love of God - and here it is!

It's hard to believe that a child that young could have been engaging in serious conversations with the Almighty God! Never underestimate a child. I want you to spend some time today remembering when you were a child, around the age that I am in these photos, that is, 7 or 8 years old. Do you remember having any encounters with God? Or any deep thoughts or feelings about Him? Ask Him to tell you about His memories of you as a child. Share with us.


Enjoy your morning time of thanksgiving, devotion and communion. Perhaps you'd like to incorporate this song into that time. I have no words for this incredible song, performed by one of my favourite Christian musicians and song-writers, Steve Camp. It speaks so eloquently of Jesus being the way and the life..I share it with you in the hopes that it will open your spirit to worship in the same that it does mine.


Enjoy your morning time of thanksgiving, devotion and communion. Click on the link below for a exhaustive list of 'life-giving' Scriptures. 


Enjoy your morning time of thanksgiving, devotion and communion. Allow this brilliant spoken word piece to minister to you.


"Friday was death, Sunday was hope, but Saturday was that seemingly ignored middle day between them when God occupied a dirty grave in a little garden outside Jerusalem. Saturday is about waiting, about uncertainty, about not knowing what’ll happen. Saturday is ambiguity. It’s about, as one theologian put it, “muddling through” when the future isn’t clear." Continue reading this gritty piece by A J Swoboda by clicking on the link below. 


Go to church and spread the news - Christo Anasti (Christ is Risen) to which you should reply Allythos Anasti! (He is Risen indeed). Yes truly, He is risen. 

Until next time, 