This week we're going to explore Heaven a little further together.
Today simply watch the video. In it I give a brief overview of 4 main points about what Heaven is like. Here is the link for your convenience.
In the video I said that its important that we realize that Heaven is a real place. It is in Hebrews 8: 5 that we read about the Earthly temple being a copy of its Heavenly reality - and it is in Hebrews 12: 22 that we ready about the New Jerusalem, that is currently situated in Heaven, coming down to physical Earth. And in Acts 1: 11, we read about Jesus being taken up in his very real, resurrected body, in to Heaven.
You can read about Paul's experience with the third heaven in 2 Corinthians 12: 3.
Most of what we know about Heaven we read about in the book of Revelation which is set, so to speak, mostly in the Heavenly realms. Read through this book without worrying too much about what's happening and when - but just to gain some idea of what the Bible says Heaven is like.
Here's a whole playlist of songs about Heaven that you can enjoy today.
I did promise you some references about videos, testimonies and books you can read about Heaven. So here are a few tasters for you.
1. Without doubt the finest, fairly academic, book written about Heaven in our time is Heaven by Randy Alcorn. Get it here:
2. Another riveting testimony is that of Jim Woodford. Read all about it here:
3. Love the story of Capt Dale Black. I think you will too - let me know.
4. This is another good one...excuse the weirdo and you'll see what I mean :)
5. This one is not exactly a Heaven testimony, but it just so sincere and special that I have to include it. I experience the heart of God every time I watch it...I hope you will too.
6. Another book that I enjoyed because it did not involve anyone dying or having a near-death incident is this one by Christopher Roberts, called Heaven.
Go to church.
Until next time, Avante!