Hello dear friends and fellow adventurers
This week's adventure is all about regaining a place of intimacy with the Lord.
Watch the video.
After I prepared my video on this topic, I came across this quotation by Graham Cooke: -
Where are you in your battle for intimacy with God? Can you see that the enemy is throwing everything at you to rob you of this? But..what do you say?!
Spend some time today just worshipping and thanking God for who He is and for the BIG, unchanging graces He has given you - like eternal life, a home in Heaven and forgiveness for your sins. You can use the playlist below to help you.
Nothing, nothing, nothing in this world has the value that intimacy with God does. Every circumstance in your life has the ability to produce greater intimacy with God for you, if you let it.
Are you facing a sadness, a difficulty, a mountain? Pray for the goodness of God to come down, because we really do overcome evil with good.
Allow me to introduce you to a dear brother in the Lord, Micah Turnbo. I just love his fresh, unfeigned approach to the things of God.
Go. to. church.
Until next week, be blessed. Avante!