I love that, don't you? Her mother was a holocaust survivor so these are no idle words. But what if your mother (aka father, friend, teacher..) subscribed to a different philosophy; say, one that whispered "fear everything"? Without even realising it, you are being held back by the general worldview within which you were raised.
Life-changer 2 in my book instructs us to learn to do something new - but fear will say otherwise. Who are you going to believe?
If you allow it to, fear will keep you going precisely nowhere. I believe that all adults should challenge themselves to learn to do something new at least once a year (for all the reasons I've written about in my book Change Your Life This Year). But mindsets like I'm Not Good At (that I wrote about in my previous post) .. and Fear will prevent that.
Here are my 4 top reasons why fear should no longer be an option for you
1. Fear is from the Devil!
I know many people think sugar is from the Devil! (and maybe it is) but there's not even a question that fear is. The Bible says "God has not given us a spirit of fear" (2 Timothy 1:7). So if God didn't give you a spirit of fear then its an alien and evil presence. For that reason alone, you should kick fear right out of your life.
2. Fear is a liar
Have you noticed that its the fear of something rather than the thing itself that is the most frightening? In other words, fear is more scary than the thing you fear. It's about time we stop falling for that one. Fear is a liar, don't believe a word it says.
3. Fear is a dream-slayer
Fear loves to tell you what could go wrong and adores painting a picture of all the things that will almost certainly never happen. In this way fear persuades you to give up before you've even started. How dare it?!
4. Fear is a dictator
Fear wants to be your boss and tell you what you can and can't do. And excuse me? I'm the boss of my life..and so are you the boss of yours. So why don't you tell fear what to do for a change.
I'll be returning from the UK soon with loads of video material to edit and upload, so look out for that on this blog and my YouTube channel. And do please let us know, by leaving a comment, what new thing you are going to learn to do this year.